7 Habits of Highly Effective Soul Winners
By LifeWay Resources
"I interviewed eight Christians that are considered by their church, pastor, or Christian friends to be soul winners. I have attempted to discover some of their habits." (Read more about
this article, click on the link above.)
7 Proven Methods to be an Effective "Soul Winner"
Bible Study Tools
"Jesus told His disciples� The implication is that if we are really following, we'll be fishing-soul-winning� The Christians in the New Testament went everywhere, preaching the Word. How,
then, can you and I be effective witnesses for Him?" (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
15 Strategies to Increase Number of First Time Visitors
"In yesterday's article 2 Attitudes for Small Church Transformation, Ron Crandall's study pointed out how evangelistic growth in the small church is rooted in relationships and need
strategies to increase the number of first time church visitors." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Effective Soul-winning Tips for Busy Christians
By Paul Chappell
"Every actively engaged Christian who loves the Lord desires to be a better soul-winner. Following are some tips that I have found make my soul-winning more effective and fruitful." (Read
more about this article, click on the link above.)
Establishing An Effective Soul-winning Program
By Dr. Paul Chappell
Ministry 127
"What begins in the pastor's heart will be contagious if it is communicated and structured biblically. This is God's design. He works through spiritual leaders to mobilize His people and
accomplish His purpose�If your church is not a soul-winner church, it is either because you are not a soul-winner, or because you are not communicating and managing your soul-winning
passion properly." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
How to be a Successful Soul Winner
By C. S. Lovett
Salvation of Souls
Salvation of Souls published an excerpt of Lovett's book How to be a Successful Soul Winner. You can read the excerpt on Salvation of Souls' website.
How to Win A Soul to Jesus Christ
By David J. Stewart
"First, nothing means anything if you don't have a desire to see people saved. Jesus commanded His disciples in Matthew 28:19 to go into all the world preaching the Gospel. Every Christian
is commissioned by the Lord to go. Most churches never get beyond the word go." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
How to Win Souls
Open Thou Mine Eyes
"The one task that all Christians are responsible to do for the Lord is to tell others how to go to Heaven-winning souls. If we are saved, God wants us to tell people what the Bible says
one should do to go to Heaven. The actual salvation of a soul is the Holy Spirit's job, but our ministry is to be the delivery boy of the Good News that Jesus loves them, can save them,
and will change their lives." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Jesus A Model Soul Winner
Where God Builds Disciples
"For the purpose of this letter, let me define these terms: in witnessing, we identify ourselves with Jesus, and in soul-winning, we go beyond that identification, making an effort to
actually lead a soul to Christ." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
JESUS: The Master Soul-Winner
Words of Life
"During His earthly ministry our Lord Jesus Christ was the personification of all His teaching. For instance He commanded His disciples to be soul-winners - look up Matthew 28:19; but He
was the master soul-winner - look up Luke 19:10� Our method of approach to souls must always vary according to the person, the time, the place and the circumstances, but the following
points suggested by this incident will help us." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Leading Souls to Christ
UB David & I'll B Jonathan
"One of the greatest joys that we can have as Christians is the joy of leading someone to Christ. Think of it! You and I can be God's instruments in the salvation of others. Who can have
the privilege of leading people to Christ? Any believer!" (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Soul-Winners
"Personal evangelism is the secret to church growth. It is simple, biblical, basic, and any believer can be involved in it. Without it, a church will never grow. I interviewed eight
Christians that are considered by their church, pastor, or Christian friends to be soul-winners. Following are some of their habits." (Read more about this article, click on the link
Soul-Winning Made Easy
By Tim Challies
"Some time ago a friend sent me a little gift she knew I would enjoy. It is a small book, published in 1959 titled Soul-Winning Made Easy and subtitled. It was written by C.S. Lovett who
founded Baldwin Park Baptist Church." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Soul Winning Materials and Links
The Go Forth Alliance
God wants every Christian to be salt and light to those about them. Your witness can cut through Satan's darkness and bring others to Christ. The materials on this page will help you how
to become an effective witness for the Lord.
Soul Winning Practicum I & II
Salt Lake Bible College
A practical class to teach the basics of how to go about leading a soul to Christ. This class is a Bible-based, step-by-step guide to teach you the method, give you the practice, and
encourage you in the performing of the duty that Christ gives to you personally. And that duty is soul-by-soul evangelism.
Soul Winning Tips and Examples
Make It Clear Ministries
On this page you will find tips on how to give your testimony and win souls. There are also examples that may help you to make the gospel a little more clear for the person that you are
trying to share Christ with.
Strategy for Evangelism and Soul-winning
"The word strategy means a plan designed to achieve a long term aim. The word evangelism means an act of preaching in order to convert others to Christianity. Evangelism is the heart beat
of God. Jesus did the two more on personal evangelism. He sent his disciples to do so." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
The Effective Soul-Winner
By Charles T. Cook
Truthful Words
"Let me remind you of a few essentials if you are to be an effective winner of souls. First of all, and needless to say, we must be very sure of our own conversion� And then I suggest that
we try to keep the freshness and the wonder of our conversion experience." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
The Soul-Winner's Fire
By John R. Rice
This book contains messaged intended to fire the hearts of God's people and send them out with tears and holy passion to rescue the lost and bring them to know a crucified and risen Savior
in forgiveness, peace, and eternal salvation.
The Wonderful Ministry of Door-to-Door Gospel Evangelism
Go Soul-Winning
"A very effective and consistent way to spread the Gospel is to go door-to-door evangelizing, or most commonly known as door-to-door soul-winning. This beats sending out flyers, phone
calls, and church entertainment to get souls saved and at a minimal invited to your local church. Door-to-door soul-winning is personal and it definitely is biblical." (Read more about
this article, click on the link above.)
Truths for Soul-Winners
Bible Courses
"In Colossians 4:2-6, Paul set forth some essential truths about soul-winning. Accepting and acting upon these principles will make an incredible difference in a person's success as a
soul-winner. Methods may change over time, but these truths are essential to real evangelism. If we embrace these truths, we will have more opportunities to study the Bible with people
than we ever hoped to have!" (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
What To Say When They Hesitate - "Showing Them" - Part II
Amazing Grace Mission
"One of the best transitions I have seen used at this very critical point in the conversation I learned for a 12 year-old boy who is the son of one of our missionaries. While watching this
young boy engage in conversations with people at the North Dakota State fair in 2005, I witnessed him use the following question at this very critical time when the person hesitated."
(Read more about this link, click on the link above.)
Winning People Over to Christ
By David J. Stewart
Rapture Notes
"Perhaps you are afraid and think you cannot be a soul winner. Just keep in mind that the Gospel is the message, and the Lord is with you to strengthen you. This is all we need to win
people to Christ." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)
Witnessing Made Easy
By Grantley Morris
"Most of us-and most definitely me-feel highly inadequate when it comes to witnessing. This webpage will end with a section titled Be Willing to be Tongue Tied that I pray is filled with
insights you find most encouraging and will break your fear. We will start, however, with examining the motives behind people raising objections to Christianity." (Read more about this
article, click on the link above.)