A Plea for Fishing (Evangelism)
By Dr. Chris Gnanakan
“It came to pass that a group existed who called themselves, and lo, there were many fish in the waters all around them. In fact the whole area was surrounded with by streams and lakes
filled with fish that were hungry.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Everything I Need to Know About Evangelism I Learned Fishing
By Bill Brown
SBC Life
“Serving as a professor of evangelism and North American church planting involves considerable travel… In a previous article I explained how I had learned many truths about sin from fishing,
but fishing contains more lessons than just those on sin. After all, everything I need to know about evangelism I learned fishing. Here are several theological insights from my field
research.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Fishermen That Don’t Fish
By Pastor J.D.
J.D. Greear Ministries
Pastor J.D. writes about the core objective of Christianity, and that is to follow Christ to become fishers of men. It is easy to be lost in the theological and philosophical web of
Christianity and forget the real reason why Jesus called many to serve.
Fish or Cut Bait – Evangelism
Fellowship Baptist Church
An audio message that talks about a Christian’s decision to tell the personal story of what God has done to everyday people that we meet and the struggle, believers experience, in having the
courage to share the good news to others.
Gone Fishing
By Lance Moore
Ministry Matters
This article highlights the current trend of Christian churches regarding Evangelism. It discusses the in-depth knowledge of churches have regarding evangelism and yet has not grown
effectively in terms of soul winning. The writer gives details on what churches should do to actually go out and fish for souls, not just learn how to fish.
Lessons from Fishing Apply to Evangelism, Warren Says
By Jon Walker
Baptist Press
If you want to be a successful fisherman, you don’t look for the most comfortable spot on the lake. Instead, you go to where the fish are and you make it easy and attractive as possible for
the fish to swallow your hook.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
Pictures of Evangelism #1: Fish
Evangelism Explosion
“From catching fish, they have now been called to catch men for Christ. Since that time, the Holy Spirit has been calling men and women away from the affairs of this world to a life of
catching men and women for God.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
“From beginning to end, there is a twofold determination in the heart of the New Testament that ought not be quenched: it includes, first, a desire to follow Christ; it includes, second, a
necessarily correlative passion to call other people to follow Christ.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)
The Marks of a Real Soul-Winner: How to Identify a Fisher of Men
In an outline format, you will learn the identifying marks of a real fisher of men. Read this article and learn how to become a real fisher of men for Jesus Christ.
Workplace Evangelism: Fishing out Seekers
By Ruth Siemens
“Fishing evangelism gives me joy! But I remember how I used to struggle. Most Christian workers struggle with evangelism and so rarely do it. Even many missionaries minister mainly to other
believers.” (Read more about this article, click the link above.)