Sword of the Lord Evangelism Training Books, Manuals and Cds

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Soul-Winner's Club Certificate
Those who have completed the training course of The Soul Winners’ Club can be given this certificate of achievement. You can buy the certificates on this website.

Soul-Winner's Club Director's Manual
This manual is for the soul-winning director to use in The Soul Winners’ Club. The Soul Winners’ Club is a Bible-based program designed to train Christians on winning people to Jesus Christ. The program uses a 12-point plan that is taught over a 12-week period. It is a highly effective training program that over the years has been used successfully to lead literally thousands to the Lord.

Soul-Winner's Club Trainee Kit
The Soul Winner’s Club Trainee Kit contains everything the soul-winner in training needs to be equipped to win souls to Christ. This kit is loaded with many messages from great soul-winning preachers. This kit includes the following: 3 reading resources (Winning Souls and Getting Them Down the Aisle, Golden Path to Successful Soul-Winning, and Vest Pocket Companion), a manual, and a resource notebook when attending the training course in your church.

Soul-Winner's Club Trainee Manual
This manual is for the trainee to use in The Soul Winners’ Club. The Soul Winners’ Club is a Bible-based program designed to train Christians on how to win people to Jesus Christ. The program uses a 12-point plan that is taught over a 12-week period. It is a highly effective training program that over the years has been used successfully to lead literally thousands to the Lord.

Soul Winner’s Club Trainee CD Album

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What If?
What If is a trifold tract. It uses the Romans Road salvation plan. One panel of the tract offers a place for the new convert to record the day of his salvation and the opposite side of that panel is a list of eight suggestions, including Scripture, to help the new convert grow spiritually.