Evangelism and Soul-Winning Advice

5 Building Supplies for a Soulwinning Church
By Paul Chappell
"One of the greatest indicators of the health of a church is its heart for souls and diligence in outreach. Christians who love the Lord and are grateful for their salvation want to share the gospel message with others!" (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)

7 Proven Methods to be an Effective "Soul Winner"
This article provides 7 guidelines on how you can be an effective witness for the Lord.

Instructions to the Soul-Winner
From Personal Soul-winning by William Evans
"Every Christian should be a personal worker for Christ just as every sinner is a worker for Satan. No one is excluded from this great work." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)

One Step At A Time Christian Growth Series: Step 7 - Soulwinning
"What is a soulwinner? A simplifier-making simple God's plan of salvation to lost sinners. Most people in the world are not unreachable-simply unreached." (Read more about this article, click on the link above.)

Seven Steps to be an Effective Soul-Winner

Soul Winning Tips and Examples
This page has tips on how to give your testimony and win souls. There are also examples that may help you to make the gospel a little more clear for the person that you rae trying to share Christ with.

The Christian And Witnessing: Ten Basic Steps
By Bill Bright
Here are steps, facts and essentials you need to know when introducing others to Jesus Christ.

The Soul-Winner's Handy Guide
By Yan T Wee
The Soul-Winner's Handy Guide is carefully crafted to provide sharp, succint, scriptural answers to give to "every man asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you." (1 Peter 3:15) It is to aid the soul-winner in understanding why he believes in what he believes with regard to the vast complexities of issues confronting him today so that he can, in turn, confidently lead another soul to the Lord.

Visitation & Soul Winning Manual
By Pastor Art Kohl
Visitation & Soul Winning Manual is a basic guideline to help you win souls.